Frequently asked questions

  • Is there an early registration cut-off date?

    Yes. On September 1st the cost will go up to $20 per person. Please register by August 31st for a lower rate.

  • Can I come the day of without registering?

    If you find out at the last minute that you can make it, please come! However, the sooner you are able to register, the better prepared we will be.

  • Will there be nursery available?

    Unfortunately, we will not be offering nursery for this event. Nursing babies are welcome. A mother’s room is available to be able to care for your infant while still seeing and hearing the sessions.

  • Are meals included in the cost?

    Yes! There will be a light breakfast served from 9:00-9:30am as ladies arrive. Lunch is included as well a snack bag for out of town guests, for their trip home.

  • What should I bring?

    A Bible and a friend! We will be diving into God’s Word in each session, it will be helpful to have one with you. If you have a friend who would love to fellowship with other women while strengthening her faith, invite her to join us!