Matthew 7:24

Celebrate Jesus' Resurrection With Us!

We invite you and your family to join us on April 20th, at 11:00am to celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus!

The same King who once entered the world as a baby in a manger took upon Himself the weight of our sins on the cross. But, He rose from the grave, displaying His ultimate power and love. And just as He promised, He will one day return in glory.

Jesus is more than a great teacher or spiritual leader—He is God in human form, the very center of history and time itself.  Because He lives, we have everlasting hope, purpose, and forgiveness.

Cowboy Carnival

April 19th at 10:30am

Saddle up for a day of Wild West fun for the whole family! Come enjoy an egg hunt, inflatables, a mechanical bull, petting zoo,  special performance by Champ the Smiling Trick-Horse & Dixie Dawg, and so much more!

Service Times

Sunday Mornings

10:00am - Bible Classes
11:00am - Morning Service
Sunday Evening
6:00pm - Evening Service

Wednesday Evenings

7:00pm - Adult Bible Study & Prayer
7:00pm - Youth Group
6:45pm - Children's Bible Club
We offer transportation in the Glen Burnie area. If you need a ride to church, click the link below to request a ride.

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upcoming events

There is always something to get involved in at Granite! These events are great ways to greater develop your relationship with God and others in our church family! See what is coming up here!

Granite Baptist Academy

We are forging the next generation of Christians at GBA with K3-12th grade education. 

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